Launch the new year with a new view of creativity. Reconnect with your creative expression, heighten your self-awareness, and nurture your inner voice. Recommended especially for anyone in transition (empty nester, recent retiree, between jobs) or someone simply ready for a fresh outlook going into 2025. This course will hone your spiritual intuition and spark your creativity. Using “best hits” from the book The Artist’s Way–A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron, participants will engage in daily journal writing and experience creative exercises such as artist’s dates, and use collage, photography, watercolor, pastels, and drawing to express ideas and intentions. This course isn’t about being an artist per se, or a writer, it’s about creative expression—feeling creative, confident, and whole in one’s life – and relies on creative writing and artistic play as a means of facilitating self-discovery and deepening one’s creative foundation in living.
Skill Level
Creativity Enhancement, Personal Growth
Inspiration and Creativity