In this class, you’ll discover how to personalize your journaling practice by engaging in guided activities that include drawing, painting, and reflective writing. It aims to spark your creativity, enhance your skills, and foster a deeper connection with the natural world. Your journal will serve as a concrete record of your experiences in nature. You can use it to document the growth of your garden, observe the birds at your feeder, capture your travel adventures, or anything else that inspires you. I’ve worked with many beginners, and I assure you that we will conquer the fear of facing a blank page together, leading you to quickly fill your journal with ideas. I hope you’ll consider joining me for this class; I’m excited to share this journey with you!
Skill Level
Skill Development, Creativity Enhancement
Creation of Artwork, Inspiration and Creativity
Judy Kelly is a plein air artist with a passion for depicting old farms and rural landscapes. She showcases her art at paint outs throughout her home state of Michigan, spanning locations from Marquette to Dexter and Glen Arbor to Northport. Judy’s goal is to illustrate the connection between the landscape and human experiences. As a former biology teacher, she inspired her students to actively engage with their natural environments, which deepened her understanding of how people interact with the land—insights that inform her paintings. Many of her works are created on location, allowing the outdoor experience to influence her art. She seeks out light patterns in the scenery and simplifies her compositions to evoke a sense of tranquility. Her underpaintings create a harmonious palette, unifying the various elements of her landscapes. The buildings she depicts carry their own narratives, as seen through their vacant windows, reflecting the passage of time. Judy enjoys experimenting with different mediums, including oil, pastel, and watercolor, appreciating the creative challenge of both planning and executing her pieces. Above all, she paints to provide viewers with a sense of joy and connection through her art.
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Supply List
You will receive an accordion-style journal to record your findings and other handouts to take home with you. I will provide art supplies such as colored pencils, watercolor pencils, erasers, and waterproof ink pens to use during the class. If you wish to bring your own supplies, that’s great. I recommend bringing a folding chair or stool, a hat with a brim, sunscreen, insect repellent, a raincoat, water, and lunch. The class will take place, rain or shine.
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