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Creativity Q+A Video Interview with 2025 Manitou Music Poster Artist Barbara Reich

On a 2024 painting expedition, Traverse City, Michigan painter Barbara Reich stumbled upon a small group of windswept trees and vegetation 600 feet above Lake Michigan. She knew it was the scene she wanted to record, and it became Sleeping Bear Dune Overlook #10, a pastel painting that pays homage to yet another of the National Lakeshore park’s iconic views and dune ecology – and the hands-down favorite of the Manitou Music Poster Project Committee for the 2025 Manitou Music Poster.

Barbara Reich talks about her experience painting this scene, and the challenges of working en plein air on top of a dune. Watch a recorded conversation with Barbara below.

The GAAC’s Manitou Music Poster project began in the early 2000s. Now an invitational, the Manitou Music Poster Committee selects original paintings that offer a quintessential view, and capture the spirit of the Glen Lake region and Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. All the past Manitou Music Poster winners may be viewed here. Sleeping Bear Dune Overlook #10 is available at the GAAC or online.

Read more about the Sleeping Bear Dune Overlook #10 – the site – here. https://www.nps.gov/places/000/sleeping-bear-dune-overlook-pssd10.htm

The 2025 Manitou Music Poster is available for purchase here.

2025 Outdoor Gallery Panel Auction

The Auction is April 22-24, 2025

All five panels from the Glen Arbor Arts Center’s 2024-2025 Outdoor Gallery exhibition will be available for acquisition. The GAAC is holding an online auction April 22-24, 2025. The 5-foot square artworks are reproductions of original painted paper collage by Margo Burian of Maple City and Grand Rapids, Michigan, winner of the 2024-2025 Outdoor Gallery invitational.

The panels are lightweight aluminum finished with a weather-resistant coating. They now hang on the GAAC’s exterior walls, and may be viewed at any time. Proceeds from the auction benefit the GAAC’s Outdoor Gallery project.


Online bidding begins April 22, 9 am, and concludes on April 24, 2 pm. Opening bids begin at $600/panel minimum on these five panels: Beach Run; Pebbles and Plover; Royal Gardeners; What, The Fox!;  Who’s There?

You must be registered or logged in to your account before you are able to place a bid. On each auction product page, there are information tabs about:

  • bidding [how to place your bids]
  • artwork details [technical information about the panels, pick-up, winner responsibilities]
  • artist’s bio

You may want to read this information in advance of your bidding. When the bidding opens, there will also be a history of bids tab you can view.

Take A Look

You can get nose-to-nose with the Outdoor Gallery panels anytime of the day or night. They’re always on view on the exterior walls of the GAAC.

Read about Margo Burian, and the 2024-2025 Outdoor Gallery exhibition here.

The Outdoor Gallery Project enjoys the support of Image360, Leelanau Enterprise, Northwoods Hardware, Saxon Design, the Amy L. Clark-Carels Family Fund, the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

You must login or register to bid on auction items when the auction is open. It is not necessary to login for viewing only.

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Showing all 5 results

Video Interviews with Jeff Condon and Susan Jacoby

As part of the GAAC’s The Sky Is Always There exhibit, we spoke with two visual artists whose works are a testament to their fascination with and reverence for the sky.

Jeff Condon, an artist based in Grand Rapids, has been considering the sky overhead since childhood. Jeff has translated and explored that interest in his pastel paintings. Clouds are now a signature part of the work Jeff does. Read more about Jeff here: https://jeffcondonart.com/

Painter Susan Jacoby divides her time between two skies: the one under which she lives in Illinois, and the other in Leelanau County. Susan works in oil, and is a great observer of the world above her head. But her interest and nearly singular focus on skyscapes began with her work painting the landscape. Read more about Susan here: https://susanjacobyart.com/home.html

The videos below will be viewable starting January 10 at 5pm. NOTE: Due to an unfortunate technical error, the paintings discussed with Jeff Condon during his interview are not visible during the viewing of the recording. Click on the images below. Our apologies to the artist.

Shrine to the Arts of Music, Film, and Television | A Conversation

As part of the GAAC’s current exhibit, Shrines + Altars, a conversation with Josh Denby, head of the Sight + Sound Department at the Traverse Area District Library, about the library’s shrine to the arts of music, film, and television. Behind the Sight + Sound desk is a series of shelves filled with a thousand-plus objects, little idols and icons — that make those shelves a de facto altar to popular culture and the performing arts.

Pictured: A few of the thousand-plus objects from the Sight and Sound altar.


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Leelanau Enterprise Angela Saxon Design Northwoods Hardware Image360 DTE Foundation National Endowment For the Arts Michigan Arts and Culture Council
© 2025 Glen Arbor Arts Center | A tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
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